Matin Durrani - Science Journalist
Spotify playlist - Furry Logic: Light
For completeness, I've now created a Spotify playlist for some of the animals featured in the final chapter on light in the new book I've written with Liz Kalaugher called Furry Logic: The Physics of Animal Life.
Spotify playlist - Furry Logic: Fluids
Over the weekend, while enjoying Birmingham City satisfyingly beat Blackburn Rovers 1-0 to go sixth in the Championship, I created the next Spotify playlist featuring animals covered in my and Liz Kalaugher's new popular-science book Furry Logic: The Physics of Animal Life, published by Bloomsbury.
Spotify playlist - Furry Logic: Forces
Right, so here's the next Spotify playlist featuring animals covered in my and Liz Kalaugher's new popular-science book Furry Logic: The Physics of Animal Life, published by Bloomsbury.
Spotify playlist - Furry Logic: Heat
Having just written a new popular-science book Furry Logic: The Physics of Animal Life with Liz Kalaugher, we're both keen to drum up interest in our amazing physics-meeets-animals mashup.